My Doctor told me that I have “Little League Elbow.” What does this mean and can I play through it?
Samuel Bell Samuel Bell

My Doctor told me that I have “Little League Elbow.” What does this mean and can I play through it?

Are your young athletes complaining of elbow pain after a long day on the baseball field? Our latest blog post dives into the common but often overlooked issue of Little League Elbow — a condition that affects growing players. Learn the signs, prevention tips, and recovery strategies to keep your child’s arm healthy and strong for the season ahead. Don’t let a minor ache turn into a major setback; read on to ensure your star player stays in the game pain-free!

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Sleep and its role in healing
Samuel Bell Samuel Bell

Sleep and its role in healing

Ever wondered why a good night’s sleep is often called nature’s best medicine? Our latest blog post uncovers the powerful connection between sleep and your body’s ability to heal and recover. From repairing tissues to boosting your immune system, quality sleep is the foundation of wellness. Discover how to optimize your sleep for better health and faster recovery from life’s daily stresses. Don’t miss out on these essential tips—your path to rejuvenation starts with a single restful night!

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Exercise of the Month - July
Samuel Bell Samuel Bell

Exercise of the Month - July

Check out this month’s exercises that emphasizes strengthening of the muscles that decelerate the shoulder which is crucial for baseball players, as it helps to prevent injuries by adding stability to the shoulder joint during the high-stress throwing motion. This improved stability and control can lead to better throwing accuracy and reduced the risk of overuse injuries.

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Exercise of the Month - June
Samuel Bell Samuel Bell

Exercise of the Month - June

This month, we’re excited to feature the reverse walking bear crawl with sliders as our exercise of the week! This dynamic move is fantastic for overhead athletes, activating the crucial serratus anterior muscle to enhance shoulder stability and performance. Give it a try and feel the difference in your workouts. Whether you’re at home or on the field, this exercise will take your training to the next level. Let's get moving and stay strong!

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